Dec 27, 2023
Certified Ford Service Technician performing tire change

Owning a Ford means taking care of it, and that includes knowing when to replace the tires. Here are some signs that indicate it’s time to visit your Ford dealership for new tires.

Not Enough Tread

When the tread on your tires wears down to 2/32 of an inch or less, it’s legally time to replace them. The penny test is a quick way to check. If you insert a penny upside-down in your tire tread and you can see the top of Lincoln’s head, your tires are too worn.

Your Tread Wear Indicators Are at the Surface

Most modern tires come with tread wear indicators. These are flat bars between the tire’s treads. When your tires are new, the tread wear indicator bars are barely visible down inside the tread groove. As your tires wear down, they rise to the surface. If they are flush with your tire’s tread, it needs to be replaced.

Low, Leaky Tires

It’s normal to top up your tires a few times a year, especially if the weather has recently turned cold. Tires that continually lose air pressure might have damage that is causing a slow leak. If your tires have been leaking air, it’s important to have them inspected.

Tires That Are Too Old

Even if they look okay, tires degrade over time. The compounds in rubber break down and become more brittle with age. After six years, even well-kept tires should be replaced for safety.

Visible Sidewall Damage

Any visible damage to the sidewall of your tire that is more than surface deep is cause for concern. Cracks, cuts, or gouges may mean structural damage. This damage may lead to leaks or blowouts.

Blistered, Bulging Tires

Bulges or blisters on your tire’s surface point to a weak spot. This type of damage is dangerous, increasing your risk of a sudden blowout. Do not drive on blistered tires. Instead, replace them at once.

Unusual Noise or Vibration

Too much road noise or unusual shaking while driving your car could be a sign of tire trouble. While some noise and vibration are normal on the road, too much may signal uneven wear or problems with your suspension.

Poor Traction and Handling

Worn or aging tires can lead to poor handling, especially on wet, slippery roads. For safety, tires that can no longer grip the road properly should be replaced.

Visit Your Ford Dealership For New Tires

Ford-trained technicians understand the needs of your vehicle. We can recommend the best tires for your model, install them, balance them, align them, and send you on your way.

Your tires are vital for your car’s performance, so if they’re not performing well it should be cause for concern. Call McLaughlin Ford today and schedule an inspection for your tires.